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Catholic Schools
Catholic schools in Australia continue to respond to, and to serve, the needs of parents who seek a Catholic Education for their children. Catholic Parish schools exist as integral parts of Catholic Parish life. They come into being when the Catholic community of an area grows to such a point that the number of families requesting Catholic education indicate that a viable school can be considered. Catholic schools in reality owe their existence to the active presence of a Catholic community. They are supported by that parish community and in turn, the Catholic school supports that parish community as it lives out the gospel message of Jesus.
Catholic schools seek to contribute to the creation of an Australian community that is highly educated, skilled and cultured with an ability to promote and embrace a critical analysis of social issues, the expansion of knowledge and the pursuit of truth. Such a community will be marked by a vigorous intellectual and cultural life, accessible to all. Education has individual and private benefits, but it is also very much a public good whose benefits enhance the whole community. Catholic schools emphasise the contribution of education to the common good of the Australian community.
Who are Catholic Schools for?
Catholic schools provide primarily for
- Catholic children who through their baptism, have a right to an education in the Catholic faith in a Catholic school,
and then for
- children, whose parents/guardians wish to entrust their children’s future to Catholic schools because of the unique nature of the schools explicit goals and acknowledged educational quality. [The enrolment of non-catholic children, may take place only when their enrolment would not exclude Catholic children from the school.]
What is distinctive about our Catholic schools?
- Promoting a particular view of the person, the community, the nation and the world,centred on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Challenging students to find, through God, meaning and value in their lives.
- Forming an integral part of a church community in which all generations live, worship and grow together.
- Critiquing our culture, and challenging community values, as an integral part of their Gospel mission.
- Aiming to be welcoming and reflective communities whose most distinctive sign is the discernment of God’s presence and their spiritual life.
- Espousing values which unite Australia by promoting a citizenship infused by a commitment to social justice.
- Encouraging students to develop an international perspective on their own country and how their country can identify and respond justly to its international obligations.
- Developing a sense of historical perspective by reflecting on the development of societies and cultures over time, a story of human frailty but of continual efforts to live the Gospel message.
- Giving priority to educating the spiritually and financially poor and being their advocates.
Enrolment process in this Parish
Because the Catholic school is integrally an important element of Parish life, the first formal part of the enrolment process is our invitation to join us at a local community meeting where you will be welcomed by members of the Parish, including the Parish Priest and the Principals, as well as members of both the parish and school communities. This is an opportunity for you to learn something about our parish and our schools. It also gives you the opportunity to learn and ask questions about how the parish and our schools work together, to support each other in carrying out the mission of Jesus.
We are delighted that you are considering our schools for the education of your children, and look forward to being able to warmly welcome you among us in the future.