• grovedale@cam.org.au
  • 03 9412 8444

Nazareth Parish Groups

Parish Groups

The Nazareth Parish consists of many groups and ministries that each in its unique way contribute to the wellbeing and vibrancy of our Parish.

We are inviting both parishioners and school families to make our parish even more vibrant by participating in one or more of the groups and ministries listed below.

Liturgy Engagement

Provide the opportunity for parishioners to be actively engaged in the preparation of parish liturgies. Offer liturgies that will engage, develop, and support parishioners for mission.

Groups & MinistriesBrief description
Lectors & Commentators at MassLectors proclaim the readings from the sacred scripture, while Commentators welcome the assembly and read the prayers of the faithful.
Extraordinary Minister of CommunionDistribute Holy Communion at Mass
Singer/musician/choirAssist in leading and guiding the congregation in worship through music and hymns
Children’s Liturgy of the WordHelp children explore their faith through gospel reflections, prayers and songs during Mass.
Audio Visual and Sound operatorOperate the audio-visual system and sound system during Mass
Presentation of GiftsHelp present the bread and wine to the Altar as an external sign of an internal offering.
SacristansMake preparation for the celebration of Mass including setting up the altar before and after Mass. Cleaning of liturgical items, brass ware, vases, altar linen etc.
Liturgical EnvironmentArranging flowers for Mass and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year.
Liturgy TeamPlanning and organising parish’s liturgical celebrations.

Faith Engagement

Support community in further developing and deepening their faith. Connect schools and parish through the sacraments, prayer, liturgy, and faith formation opportunities.

Groups & Ministries Brief description
Baptism preparation Help prepare families whose children are being Baptised
Catechists Help prepare older children to receive Sacraments
RCIA & RCIC Help prepare adults & children who are enquiring about the Catholic faith
Adult faith development Participating in ongoing adult faith such as prayer groups and discussions
Book Nook Assist with making book nook available before & after Mass

Community Engagement

Actively engage with parishioners to support the pastoral, social and community needs of the parish. Actively engage with other Christian Churches in the spirit of ecumenism.

Groups & Ministries Brief description
Ecumenical Representing our parish in working with other local Christians Churches.
Passionist Family Groups Building Christian community through bringing parish families together.
Pastoral teams Each team is set up for each Church community with the aim to support the community to better carry out its mission and witness to the gospel.
Church Cleaning To enable each of the Churches to be clean and welcoming for parishioners and visitors.
After Mass Hospitality Help prepare and offer a cuppa after Mass to nurture the bonds and friendships of the parish community.
Care groups Provide practical support to parishioners in times of need.
Baptism welcomers Welcome and greet families as they arrive for Baptisms
Greeters Welcome and greet parishioners and visitors as they arrive for Mass.
Ministry to the sick & housebound Being a part of a team who extend pastoral care through regular visits to the sick, nursing home residents, and housebound.

Outreach Engagement

Actively work with and beyond the Parish community to witness the truth that is Jesus in us. Shape a more just and compassionate society irrespective of age, gender or religion.


Groups & MinistriesBrief description
St Vincent de Paul SocietyBecoming a member of the StVdP in assisting people experiencing poverty.
Transport people to and from MassHelp driving people to Mass and other parish celebrations.
Parish Social Justice teamA team raising awareness on different social justice issues such as aboriginal, refugees, and climate change.
Learn More

Administration & Maintenance

Advise the Parish Priest in issues arising within the Parish. Support the parish community in overseeing parish financial, administrative, asset management and project matters.

Groups & MinistriesBrief description
CountingHelp with counting the weekly collection
General administrationHelp with general administration and/or secretarial support, photocopying, typing etc
Website/social mediaHelp with the Parish Website and social media platforms
Parish Fundraising groupAssist with social gatherings and fund raising
Parish Advisory TeamA team that advises the parish priest on matters relating to the parish
Parish Finance Team

In accordance with the provisions of Can.537 there is to be a parish finance team to advise the parish priest in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.

Click here to read the 2023 Parish finance report

2023 Parish Renewal Program report

Parish Bequest sample form

Parish Safeguarding TeamAssist parishioners in upholding the right to safety of all people, especially children and vulnerable.
Parish Leadership TeamAssist the parish priest in managing the parish, including strategic directions and decisions
MaintenanceHelp at periodic working bees, gardening etc
Trade skillsI have specific trade skills that I can use to help the parish (please specify):